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Originally written by Angela Bleier:

Prayer is a powerful tool for breaking the ice and sharing the Gospel! In our visit to Lima Peru back in March, we had the opportunity to walk the city squares and even the beach and offer to pray with people whom God placed in our path. Although we had some rejection, I was amazed at how receptive people were to open prayer on the street. People expressed genuine heartfelt needs, from sick family members to unemployment. We encouraged them to pray along with us and for us as we prayed for them, and I believe they did.
it’s amazing how much of the Gospel one can communicate in a prayer. (Did I mention we prayed out loud?) Along with praying for the individual’s felt needs, we asked God to reveal Himself to that person in an undeniable and real way, to make known His love for them through Jesus Christ, and to give them a relentless hunger for Him and for His Word.

After we prayed, we explained that Jesus had sent us to pray for them because He loves them and wants to be in a relationship with them. I truly believed that those who were being drawn by the Spirit would want to know more about what we’d told them. As you pray the Gospel, Spirit-drawn people will be willing to engage you in conversation and may even have questions of their own. So, be prepared to take the conversation as deep as they are willing to go. Even have a free Bible handy for giving away (Some Peruvians responded with big smiles and big hugs upon getting their own copy of the New Testament in Spanish!) However, if they aren’t interested in knowing more, then be gracious and respectfully move on. You’ve planted the seed; leave it for the Holy Spirit to cultivate. He will faithfully send others to them with the Good News.

It’s important not to get into a debate and not to get distracted by religion or tradition. We had several people who were initially reluctant to let us pray for them because they were catholic (I guess they thought catholics were only supposed to pray with other catholics??). Our religion or denomincation doesn’t matter to God; we are all sinners who need a savior. Our motive was unity and love, and our message was Christ alone and Him crucified.

A prophet is one who shares God’s Truth with another. Prayer is not only how we humble ourselves before God, but it is also a window by which we can share that Truth with others. Gospel praying is also something each of us can incorporate easily into our everyday lives. Almost no one will refuse an offer of prayer, giving us the opportunity to be salt and light right where we are!

Linda Epeards

Author Linda Epeards

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